Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reminiscing of Times Not Ours

I'm going to take a break from jewelry topics to ponder on something else entirely.

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to live in a different time? I often think about what kinds of things I would have done (growing up and as an adult), what I would have looked like, the clothes I would have worn, how my home would have been decorated, how I would have cooked, etc. if I had been born in the early 1900's. Why this time? I'm not really sure, but I seem to always be drawn to and intrigued by it.

Take this dress for instance...

I think that it's gorgeous and I can only imagine the decorations this lady must have had at her wedding and the types of pictures they probably took. I hope that she married for love and not just into money. I hope that even if in their pictures they did not smile (since it seems no one smiled in pictures back then) that they were so happy to be together. I feel like she probably washed clothes on a washboard and undoubtedly made all of her family's food from scratch. I'm sure she was a beautiful bride and that she met a wonderful groom at the end of her aisle.

I wonder if 100 years from now young people will think back and wonder what it would have been like to live during our time. I'm sure they will and that they'll find ways to glamorize and romanticize it. I hope we can each find ways to glamorize and romanticize our everyday life for ourselves now.

Until next time...

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